The Beginning

It started in April 2020, I found myself furloughed (at a time where this was still an uncommon word) and inevitably started tiding the house. This led to the boys room and having a mammoth spring clean of toys they no longer played with, which in truth meant anything that didn’t have a screen! There was a massive amount of Lego, I thought of listing it as a job lot on eBay as I had recently been selling some other things. However I noticed the price for complete sets was much higher so I thought I’d sort it all out and make the sets, I had some time off, how hard could it be…

Fifteen months later and I’m kind of still on with it, my mum deposited all my old Lego as soon as she saw the opportunity, a few months later and some 50kgs of Lego Technic arrived, it had been my Dad’s who along with my boys seem to share the same organisation style – mix it all up together in a box. So for the most part the themes of the blog and to some extend the how-to guides will cover what I have learnt over those fifteen months, the mistakes I have made, the things I should have done differently and the whole world of Lego reselling and sourcing that was all new to me. This will cover the sites that I have found useful, the you-tubers who have helped, my journey into the world of Bricklink and the personal discovery that I appear to be a completist. Having had only a passing interest in Lego growing up, revisited again as my boys got to an age where they started to show an interest, I now find myself devoting an obscene amount of my spare time trying to complete retired Lego sets and honestly occasionally enjoying it. The emotional attachment is brief as I sell the completed sets on eBay in a vain attempt to fund the storage solutions for the pieces that have yet to find a new home.

As I share my musings I am fully aware that my journey has only just begun and I have still a great deal to learn, so I welcome any constructive comments and advice on how other people manage their collections. Also I am happy to try and answer any questions that other may have just starting out as a Lego enthusiast or wannabe Bricklink Tycoon. Spoiler – I don’t believe that a Bricklink Tycoon can exist – unless they are some sort of android who doesn’t need sleep…

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